How to...Perfect Guide for Mom's Work at Home

Work-at-Home Mother’s Guide to Successfully Building a Real Business on Internet

Welcome to the world of work-at-home moms - WAHMs! And what a diverse and

interesting world it is…

You might be a mom who’s already working at home, or one who’s wishing she could.

Work-at-home moms live in all corners of the globe, and are at all different ages and


Do you fit any of these descriptions?

• Pregnant, and wanting to sort work out before your baby arrives.

• A mom with babies and toddlers at home.

• A mom with kids at school.

• A slightly older mom, one of the “sandwich” generation who, alongside raising a

family, has some responsibilities for her own elderly parents.

• A nearly empty-nester, whose teenagers will soon be gone.

Added to your family commitments, maybe you’re:

• A single parent.

• A military wife.

• Living overseas.

• Working outside the home, in a demanding full-time career.

• Unable to get back into the job market.

• Finding part-time work inconvenient, unfulfilling or badly paid.

Working at home, either offline or online.

• A stay-at-home mom, who'd like to contribute to the family income, but doesn’t

know how to do it.

All so different… and yet, in many ways, so alike.

There is a common thread that connects us. Partly it’s in the experience of parenting,

the way we all put our children’s needs so high on the agenda. Partly, it’s in our own

desire to find ourselves in other ways alongside being a mom, and at the same time, to

contribute financially to the family.

And to do that, we all need the same things. For us, and for you, no matter where we

are, what the shape of our lives, as work-at-home moms we just have to have work that

fits, that takes into account all that we hold most dear.

In this Guide, we hope you’ll find the key to a better, more fulfilling future as a WAHM.


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